Last night I went to go outside, and instead of stepping on the bottom of my foot (like normal people lol), I stepped on the right side of my right foot, causing me to yell as it was quite a bit of pain… But I was able to walk it off..for a while. I was fine until I took a shower, and sat down at the computer…big mistake. I had to hop over to bed. Needless to say the pain kept me awake. I got up to use the bathroom two or three times, and I had to crawl on the floor to get there. I finally was able to get to sleep around 3 or 4. Things are starting to look up however, because as of 11:45 I woke up and I could move my foot again without being in excruciating pain. So I went downstairs and got some food, and brought it back upstairs. I checked my email, wrote this entry, and talked with coworkers for a few minutes as I’m going to be missing a meeting today. Then I’m going to go lay back down, and try and sleep a little more. Hopefully I should be fine by tonight.