Today we went to the beach again, nothing too exciting, except I layed down under a palm tree after being in the water for a while. Then I started downloading some old pics off my camera after we came back and showered. I’m looking for some things to do in FL for the rest of the vacataion, and in particular something for the 4th. Tonight we picked up a photo printer for my aunt Judy, and then walked on the strip in Fort Lauterdale.

We went to dinner at Max’s Place, which, while Rachel Ray might approve, was not that great in my opinion. Appetizer wasn’t very flavorful, didn’t bring the drinks the way we asked, prices weren’t so great, and the main course was so/so. Overall, pretty blah. Then we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream, and went home to relax. I noticed when looking in the mirror that I got a little bit of color in my face, and unfortunately some sunburn on my shoulders. Nothing serious enough to have me in major pain though, so it’s ok.