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As for the specific reasoning that there is only one machine now.. Well, it’s like this. It was approximately 2 AM, probably like 1:58 or so..And I’m listening to my radio, attempting to fall asleep. 92.3 K-Rock, and thesong “Du Hast” was playing. About halfway through the song, all of a sudden Isee this big ass flash of light, and a really frickin LOUD boom… And then,complete and utter silence. I mean silence. So you’d think thatsomebody would have heard that noise….But no, in the morning Con Edison had to be called, becuase they were unaware of the situation. Longstory short (too late, I know…), we didn’t our power back for a total of14.5 hours!, or 6:30 PM that night. Very annoying. So, to savesome electricity, the HP machine was taken off line, as the netbsd machine hasmore horsepower anyways.


Well, we’ve undergone a few changes here. I have been done with my classes at school since the 15th or so, so I’m taking a little break, becuase unfortunately I have to take Physics I over again during summersession II which is June 11th - July 19th. Kinda sucks. But it’s only two daysa week. Hopefully I’ll get a job at CompUSA or Staples so I have some sortof income. Other than Physics I did pretty well. I got 3 “A”s - CollegeWriting, Computer Science I, and Intro to Engineering II. I got a “C” in Calc II, and a “D” in Physics.. man, I deserved a C. Anyways, changes to thesite consist of going from two machines back down to one, I’ll elaborateon this in a minute. I also set up a database with my grandmother’s recipies in it, to get some DB experience (PostgreSQL), and to make it easierto edit for my aunt, who is in Florida.


NetBSD machine is back online as of today, and load balancing isenabled once again. Got a nice SMC 10/100 card from my friend Andrew, who was also nice enough to give me a 10 Mb ISA card for the webmaster of,who’s link appears below. At least I get to sleep late tomorrow morning. I needto start studying my Physics and my Calc, and I need to finish my Visual BASICprogram… I hate VB. It’s that time of year I suppose. I wish the semesterwould be over already, so I can relax a little bit.


Well, netbsd went offline yesterday…Had to give the network card back to a friend, but hopefully I should be getting another card on this Sunday from my friend Andrew. So, IPv6 web connectivity is down at the moment, but it will be back soon… you can still ping to test your (and my) IPv6 connectivity. My old AT&T answering machine finally bit the dust yesterday also – so, I set up vgetty instead on my main machine… It’s actually working quite well. I have it setup to record a message, convert it to wave format (I will make it MP3 when I compile an encoder), and then email me saying I got a voicemail message. I have a “Biff” like indicator in Enlightenment, so I can easily see if I’ve gotten any voicemail when I login. It’s quite cool.Physics sucks. That is all.


I HATE NETWARE!!! After comparing Netware to this, I see no reason whatsoever why ANYONE would want to use Netware…Anyone could setup an LDAP server, along with some patches for say SAMBA and PAM, could do something relatively similiar… and for FREE! Needless to say, I wish to avoid Netware at all costs from now on. I tried running it on the BSD box, which is a P100, with 40 MBs of RAM. Netware 4.11 installed and ran fine. But I didn’t have the Internet Access Suite, which has an IPX-IP gateway that I wanted to try out. So I download a Netware 5.1 demo ISO, burn it to CD.. and attempt to install it. First it complains about the little amount of RAM… Whatever, ignore it. It launches this graphical installer (complete waste of resources, IMO), and proceeds to SIT THERE. I mean for a good 20 minutes. This is when I gave up, and said “down”. Restart… All screwed up. Back to square one. Take my main machine down (766 Mhz, 128 MBs RAM) and installed it on that, using the HD from the NetBSD box. Installs fine. After about an hour of trying to get it to work in the BSD machine (becuase of OUT OF MEMORY errors) I finally get it to work…albeit without the web support, or GUI. Then I discover: NO STUPID IPX-IP GATEWAY!!! I need to get BorderManager for that. Two words: Forget it! And that is why the machine is NetBSD once again. :-) Novell sucks. Don’t buy it. And avoid NIMS (Novell Internet Messaging System) AT ALL COSTS. No documentation, and is slow. Use QMail instead. { End of Rant }